How to file a tax return for 2024?

Everyone who worked in 2024 (even if it was only for one or two months) is required to file a tax return. The deadline is May 1st 2025.

Important: We do not help you fill out the tax return at the chapel, but we can help you make an appointment with the tax office in Doetinchem. However, you can do it yourself. Read the following options.

Option 1: Fill out the tax return yourself

You can file a tax return via:

• The tax office’s mobile app

The tax office’s website

What you need to do:

1. Log in and check what data has already been filled in automatically.

2. If something does not match, correct the information.

3. Add medical expenses if you paid for the treatment yourself and you have receipts.

4. Add tuition if you paid for it yourself and you have supporting documents.

Option 2: Make an appointment with the tax office

How to do it:

1. Follow the link: Make an appointment with the tax office 2. Select “Optie particulier”

3. Then select “Inkomstenbelasting”

4. Next, click “Hulp bij het invullen van aangifte”

5. Select “Hulp bij aangifte inkomstenbelasting van 2024”

6. If you lived in the Netherlands for the entire year, check “Ik woon het hele jaar in Nederland”

If you did not live in the Netherlands for the entire year in 2024, then in Step 5 you need to select:

✅ “Ik woonde een deel van het jaar in Nederland (Emigratie/Immigratie)” (I lived part of the year in the Netherlands – emigration/immigration).

If you have temporary protection, in Step 6 you need to select:

✅ “U hebt in 2024 een verblijfsstatus ontvangen” (You received a residence permit in 2024).

7. From Steps 6 to 11, check what applies to you (usually “no” is selected everywhere)

8. In Step 11, select “Ik wil langskomen bij een kantoor”

9. Enter your postcode (e.g. 7006) and select the date and time of the appointment.

If you have any questions about making an appointment, you can contact us or come to the Chapel and we will help you.

Deze informatie is tot stand gekomen op basis van de feiten zoals die zijn in januari 2025. De informatie is zonder garantie of wettelijke rechten. Het is goed om de informatie bij de betreffende instanties te checken op het moment dat jij er mee bezig bent om teleurstellingen te voorkomen. De belastingdienst geeft de juiste informatie op elk moment weer.

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